Saturday, June 10, 2017

Movie Scenes Recreated with a Man and his Cats

Photo:  Source

Newslinq posted an article of UK couple, that uses their cats, Tara and Willow, to recreate iconic movie scenes.

Anyone that has ever been owned by a cat (people never really own cats; cats own them) knows this is probably no small feat as cats are no small feat and the article quotes the Sarah (to LoveMeow) as saying:
" The cats clearly think we’re weird. It can be a challenge to get [the cats] to cooperate, but they get lots of treats so that tends to win them over to our nonsense,”
My favorite is the ET one above, followed by the "Chest Burster" scene from the horror movie classic "Alien", but the "Pottery" scene from "Ghosts' seems a little creepy but that didn't keep me from hitting subscribe on Moviecats Instagram account.

To follow see more recreations, visit Moviecats on Instagram.

Photo:  Source

Photo:  Source

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