Tuesday, November 10, 2020



Photo:  Source

My mother grew up during the Depression and WWII and although I don't know if the ever celebrated a Thanksgiving with SPAM bird like this, it was a popular product as it didn't require refrigeration and it was a way to add some sort of way to add a bit of a meat product to the table without having to go out and kill a chicken.

The "points" it is referencing is that food was rationed and families were given a specific number of points to purchase items.  In the ad above it also said not to blame your grocer if he is out of SPAM as it was shipped to the Armed Forces.

As you can probably find a can nowadays on your grocer's shelf, you too could make SPAM Birds.

From the brief description in the ad, to make SPAM Birds it indicates you cut SPAM into slices, put the stuffing of your choice in the center then fold together and secure with toothpicks to hold it together then pop it in the oven to crisp up the SPAM.  

I did find a video on Youtube where a version is made but she makes the stuffing then fries the SPAM in a pan the combines together.

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