This custom chopper is so big it won't even fit in the entire frame, but it looks like it is more of a roadside attraction than something rideable, but still cool.
It was nice to see the person that wrote the rejection letter was honest and has a bit of a sense of humor.
Source: Snapshot from video
She certainly in making Stephen King proud with her Pennywise the Clow"It" themed costume and makeup.
It is creative and creepy at the same time.
Pennywise Pole Dancer from r/BadChoicesGoodStories
Above is my cat Dave watching the cat version of Bohemian Rhapsody in the video link below.
It was entertaining to me, but Dave seemed to freak out a little and jumped on the couch, perhaps plotting on working on his "singing" skills at 2am for revenge.
NYFD Ladder 35 crew entering the South Tower on 09/11/01. The tower collapse 20 minutes later killing all the crewmen. from r/lastimages