Monday, September 30, 2019

Baby Shark Cereal

If you have or have been around children under that age of 4, you probably have heard the "Baby Shark" song more time than you would care too.  

In case you have never heard the song, I have posted it below, but I have to warn you it is very simple catchy and stick in your head.

Since as the little ones can't seem to get enough of that catchy little tune and dance that goes with it, the creators teamed with Kelloggs to put out a Limited Edition "Baby Shark" and "Mommy and Daddy Shark" Cereal so they can eat too.  

An article in People indicates it was first released August 17th at Sams Clubs with two boxes for $5.98 and I spotted it at Walmart today for $3.48 for a single box.

Both boxes tout having Berry Fin-tastic flavors with marshmallows.and appear to look similar to Fruit Loops with some sprinkles.  I think it would be cooler if either the cereal or the marshmallows or both were shaped like sharks. 

But still, I always thought marshmallow in cereal should just be limited to Lucky Charms and having them in a Fruit Loop type cereal if you are a kid would be awesome.   As a parent though, many breakfast cereals like this are sugar-laden and have dyes and chemicals and should for a special treat or used in moderation.

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